I tried to write my feelings on a rainy night in the form of a poem. Maybe this sounds incomplete, that is because I fell asleep by the time I wrote the last line. Or maybe my thoughts went blank by the time I reached the last line.
As I lay my head on the bed
There is a window beside
Feeding me sounds from the side
A lot of emails still unread
The blinds are still closed
Sound of the rain drops penetrate
Making the poet in me levitate
Bringing visuals , with eyes closed
A thought strikes in time
As the leaves flutter
Deleting the mind’s clutter
I pen these lines in mime
But the thoughts continue to run
Of today, tomorrow and day after
Live through these moments with laughter
As each thought takes its own turn
Here is another poem of mine : In memory of a friend on Children’s Day
Live through these moments with laughter
As each thought takes its own turn
Loved these lines.Will wait for the next part of this poem to know the thoughts:)
I hope that there is next part. Maybe another day when I am at the window side 🙂