Two years ago, exactly on this date, I took my first step towards professionalism. It all started with a journey in an overcrowded train from Bangalore to Mysore, standing all the way, a taxi from the Mysore railway station to the Infosys Campus, known for its architectural marvel and facilities available. Fortunately I had some friends from my college who accompanied me. I stood in the queue and even today I stand in one daily, but in Bangalore.
After a long wait, we entered the main gates; guess it should be Gate-1 and the first glimpse of the campus is still framed in my mind. It was impressive, mind-blowing, awesome, fantastic, super and what not. The training centre looked like a big palace and with green grass around it, seemed like we were out of India. No one knew what was in store for us in the next six months.
We somehow managed to get rooms in the same floor and building. It was an experience by itself where we had to manage everything on our own, Starting from the morning alarms, washing clothes, clearing perceptions and few other things. The first two days, the excitement was at its peak, exploring the facilities that the campus boasts of and a quick game of bowling. Within a week’s time, I had made lot of friends from various parts of the country and there I was clutching my hand as I read for the first time ‘Your score is being calculated’ on the computer screen. That was the memory of the first perception I attended.
I experienced my first failure and put down my feelings in words. It was a ride with its own ups and downs tweaked to the needs of the software industry. A few of my friends departed mid-way and a few are still here in Bangalore with me. I always thought when this training would end and now as I write these words, I think “Will those days ever come back?” I am happy that I lived all those moments though the situation was stressful at times. We managed to steal some time from the rigid schedule and live it as per our desire.
Today, I celebrate two years of professionalism and all that it has got to me for instance a lot of things in terms of learning, a good bunch of people as friends and a bit of financial potential to fulfill a part of my dreams. Hoping to move forward grabbing all that comes in my way to learn and obviously with a smile on the face. These two years have made me realize, nothing comes easy in life and you can’t be on a crest always as there would be no ‘crest’ without a ‘trough’.