A Beautiful Morning

By | March 31, 2010
Today, the 31st of March is one of those Beautiful mornings that Bengaluru manages to sneak in amidst the hot summer days. Yes, this is what Bengaluru is known for-its amazing weather.

I woke up this morning and raised the curtains of the room window. There was a fragrance in the air which makes you feel fresh, ready to go and conquer the world.The fragrance was of Mother Earth blessed by the Rain Gods!!!

I got ready, stepped out of my house and was mesmerized by the cool breeze.The roads were wet and there was a puddle of water.Splash!!!-The next moment a kid jumped on it reminding me of the good old days of school.I noticed a leaf in my garden which was dropping pearls of water from its tip. A few drops fell on me which made me look at the sky and it was a very pleasant sight.

I boarded the bus for my early morning ride to the Electronic city. The air had persisted the fragrance. I sat down and closed my moist eyes to enjoy the weather. The sound of rain woke me up and I thought the bus had almost reached Infy. No, it was a Traffic Jam- the other thing that Bengaluru is known for. The mechanical bodies were standing in a queue obeying the signals given by a human dresses in Khaki pant and a white shirt with a hat on his head.The view through my window made me feel how lucky I was to be seating in a bus at that moment. I thanked GOD for that. From then on it was like a slow race till we reached the famous Electronic city Flyover.

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I got down the bus in the Infy bus stand, entered the campus and guess what?? I could still feel the fragrance. We know that today is a Beautiful Morning and move on with the hope of having one more tomorrow!!!

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